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Day 0, 23 August
Day 1, 24 August

Day 2, 25 August 
Day 3, 26 August

photos by Tamás Thaler

Invitation to the Annual Conference of GA

We are delighted to invite you to the 63rd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA). The conference covers natural product research from phytochemical studies to phytotherapeutic applications. The aim of the congress is to serve as a forum for discussions on trends, and the latest results, and to exchange ideas relating to phytochemical analysis, ethnopharmacology and phytopharmacology.

The scientific program will include plenary lectures by invited speakers, and keynote talks on recent topics of natural product research, as well as contributed lectures and poster presentations. Parallel sessions will allow an appreciable number of participants to present results in oral talks. The poster sessions at central time frames within the congress will also provide an opportunity for scientific discussions. The conference will be accompanied by two workshops , one providing a forum for young researhers and the other for in-depth insight of regulatory affairs of medicinal plant products.

Budapest, a European metropolis with its vibrant cultural life, is the academic center of the country. As a participant of the GA Conference, you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the monuments of the historical past of the city and discover its present with spas, restaurants and contemporary museums. The selected venue of the event, the Budapest Congress Center, is a perfect setting for the organization of an enjoyable and fruitful scientific meeting.

On the last day of the Conference, participants can choose from two alternative excursions, all of which offer unforgettable experiences for participants and accompanying persons. The Monastery at Pannonhalma, an ancient historic monument, a UNESCO world heritage site, is one of the cradles of medicinal plant cultivation in Hungary. The Tihany Peninsula at the lake Balaton, with its pictoresque location, is famous for its lavender fields.