Pre-congress symposium

Advanced Analytical Technologies as Applied
to Natural Products Research

Sunday, 23 August

Natural product chemistry has traditionally been a very long and time-consuming process for discovery research. From extraction, purification and compound isolation for structure elucidation, the methodologies employed in each step of the process are sometimes antiquated or lack proper advanced technologies to perform the tasks properly. Many of the techniques and hardware used in natural product laboratories today have been passed on from lab mates to lab mates. A successful natural product program in today’s discovery process needs to possess all of the current tools to perform rapid compound isolation and structure elucidation in order to follow-up quickly on active leads. In addition, these processes need to be done on scales approaching traditional screening quantities. Survival of natural products as a source of viable and diverse chemical entities for drug discovery demands new sets of advanced technologies and purification methodologies.

This one day symposium will present a complete overview of all the latest analytical equipment available to perform extraction, multiple steps in the chromatographic separation paths, HPLC column choices, sample detection schemes, sample drying, NMR data acquisition at the microgram scale, data processing, structure elucidation and analytical data management. Participants will hear from industry hardware leaders on each of the hardware requirements in taking a biomass thru to a pure compound. This symposium will be structured as a collaborative effort of all hardware manufactures working on one common goal, to obtain a pure compound. Ample time will be devoted to the art of structure elucidation from both the chemists’ perspective and from available structure elucidation software.

Come hear from the industry leaders as we recreate the ultimate natural product discovery program for all natural product research laboratories. This will not be a vendor sales pitch but an excellent opportunity to hear state-of-the-art science from industry leaders.

Organized by: Mark O’Neil-Johnson, Sequoia Sciences, Inc.

Committed Presenters:

  • Waters
  • Bruker
  • Grace
  • BioTools
  • ACD Labs
  • Sequoia Sciences

Registration fee: 25 EUR

Registration is available in the main online database
after the registration category selection you will be able to select this symposium in the “Optional programs” menu