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Akkreditált Továbbképzési Kreditpont szerzési lehetőség:

A Semmelweis Egyetem Továbbképzési Központja gyógyszerészek és orvosok részére a GYOFTEX és OFTEX Portálokon akkreditálta a BEW 2014 Workshop-ot az alábbi kódokkal:
illetve SE-TK/2014.I./00432.

Megszerezhető: „Minősített szabadon választható" típusú továbbképzési pontszám 25.

Továbbképzési pont igazolás kérése a Regisztrációs Asztalnál!

Final scientific program

Download the final scientific program in pdf format
[for printing]

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[for printing]

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[official program booklet, ~30 Mb]

The Workshop starts on Monday at 9:00 am., May 19, 2014
9:00 Opening Welcome

Imre Klebovich
Co-Chair of the Workshop
Co-Chair of the Committee on Pharmaceutical Sciences
Chair of Working Committee on Separation Sciences of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
Budapest, Hungary

Ágoston Szél
Rector of Semmelweis University
Budapest, Hungary

Sabine Kopp
World Health Organization (WHO)
Geneva, Switzerland

Hilda Kőszegi-Szalai
GYEMSZI - National Institute of Pharmacy,
Deputy Director General
Budapest, Hungary

Roger L. Williams
Former CEO and Chair, Council of Experts, United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP)
Rockville, MD, USA

Leslie Z. Benet
Founder President of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist (AAPS)
San Francisco, CA, USA

Clive G. Wilson
Past-President of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Scientists (EUFEPS)
Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Vinod P. Shah
Co-Chair of the Workshop
International Pharmaceutical Federation/SIG, Chair of Regulatory Sciences (FIP)
Former President of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist (AAPS)
North Potomac, MD, USA

Session 1: Regulatory Perspectives
Chairs: Stefan Mühlebach (Glattbrugg, Basel, Switzerland), K. Wayne Riggs (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
9:30 Hurdles and Challenges in Harmonising Drug Regulations
Tamás L. Paál
University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
GYEMSZI-National Institute of Pharmacy, Budapest, Hungary
10:00 Basic Concepts: They Keep Changing
Leslie Z. Benet
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
10:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition
Session 2: Regulator Perspectives: Quality and Bioequivalence
Chairs: Tamás Paál (Szeged, Budapest, Hungary), Romána Zelkó (Budapest, Hungary)
11:00 FDA Perspective on Product Quality and Bioequivalence
Vinod P. Shah
International Pharmaceutical Federation / SIG
Chair of Regulatory Sciences, North Potomac, MD, USA
11:30 WHO Perspectives on Quality Assurance and Medicinal Safety
Sabine Kopp
World Health Organization, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
12:00 Newer Considerations and Regulatory Guidance on BE - EMA Perspective
Evangelos Kotzagiorgis
European Medicines Agency, EMA, London, UK
12:30 Panel Discussion I. - Q & A
Gordon L. Amidon (Ann Arbor, MI, USA), Roger L. Williams (Rockville, MD, USA)
13:00 Lunch, Exhibition
Session 3: Advances in Pharmacokinetics
Chairs: Surendra K. Bansal (New York, NY, USA), Meir Bialer (Jerusalem, Israel)
14:00 Impact of Bioequivalence Studies on the Progresses of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Generic Industry Within Last 35 Years Impact of Bioequivalence Studies on Scientific Development of Generic Pharma Industry
A. Atilla Hincal
IDE Pharmaceutical Consultation Ltd. Co.,
Ankara, Turkey
14:30 Advances in Pharmacokinetics Related EMA Regulations
José A. G. Morais
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
15:00 Oral Drug Absorption: Science and Regulation
Panos Macheras
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
15:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition
Session 4: Drug and Food Interactions
Chairs: László Endrényi (Toronto, ON, Canada), Peep Veski (Tartu, Estonia)
16:00 Drug Interactions - Alcohol, Smoking and Caffeine
Imre Klebovich
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
16:30 Application of an In Vitro Lipolysis Model to Predict Positive Food Effect
James E. Polli
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
17:00 Panel Discussion II. - Q & A
Sabine Kopp (Geneva, Switzerland), Vinod P. Shah (North Potomac, MD, USA)
Social Programs
19:00 Concert of the Semmelweis Chamber Orchestra
in the Matthias Church, Conductor László Tardy
1014 Budapest, Szentháromság Square 2.
Entry by badge and invitation card only.
20:30 Banquet Dinner in the Hungarian National Gallery
Royal Palace of Buda, Building C.,
1014 Budapest, Szent György Square 2.
Entry by badge and invitation card only.

Welcome Addresses by:

Ferenc Joó
President of Section of Chemical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)

Éva Szökő
President of the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (HSPS)

László Vécsei
President of the Section of Medical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)

Vinod P. Shah and Imre Klebovich
Co-Chairs of the Workshop

The Performers of the Evening:
Botafogo Dance Ensemble
Jenő Esze's Dance and Salon Music Band

Event Sponsor:


Day 2 - Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Session 5: BCS, Dissolution and Biowaiver
Chairs: Olavi Pelkonen (Oulu, Finland), István Tóth (Saint Lucia, Qld, Australia)
9:00 Role of Dissolution in Regulating Pharmaceutical Products
Vinod P. Shah
International Pharmaceutical Federation / SIG
Chair of Regulatory Sciences, North Potomac, MD, USA
9:30 BCS and Beyond: Limitations and Harmonization
(The New Science of BE)
Gordon L. Amidon
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
10:00 Exploiting BDDCS and the Role of Transporters
Leslie Z. Benet
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
10:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition
Session 6: Advances in Dissolution
Chairs: Evangelos Kotzagiorgis (London, UK), Constantin Mircioiu (Bucharest, Romania)
11:00 Advances in IVIVC
James E. Polli
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
11:30 Bioperformance Dissolution Standards:
In Vivo Predictive Dissolution (IPD)
Gordon L. Amidon
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
12:00 Panel Discussion III. - Q & A
Daaj J. A. Crommelin (Utrecht, The Netherlands), Clive G. Wilson (Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
12:30 Lunch, Exhibition
Session 7: Regulatory Trends in Bioanalysis
Chairs: Hilda Kőszegi-Szalai (Budapest, Hungary), José A.G. Morais (Lisbon, Portugal)
13:30 Bioanalytical Method Validation and Samples Analysis -
Lessons Learned from Regulatory Inspections

Surendra K. Bansal
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., New York, NY, USA
14:00 Where Are We with Respect to Global Harmonization in
Bioanalytical Methods Validation?
Daniel Tang
ICON Development Solutions, APAC, Shanghai, China
14:30 Analytical Aspects of Biologics Applied in Pharmaceutical Development
Felix Heise, Hanns-Christian Mahler
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland
15:00 Challenges in Using Capillary Electrophoresis in Analyzing Therapeutic Proteins
Jim Thorn
AB SCIEX Separations Ltd., Warrington, UK
15:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition
Session 8: Biosimilars and Complex Drug Products
Chairs: István Greiner (Budapest, Hungary), Milena Jadriević-Mladar Takač (Zagreb, Croatia)
16:00 Biosimilars: Status Regulatory Pathways and Remaining Questions
Daan J. A. Crommelin
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
16:30 Interchangeability: A Challenge for Non-Biological Complex Drugs
Stefan Mühlebach
Vifor Pharma Ltd., Glattbrugg, Switzerland
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
17:00 Assessment of the Similarity and Interchangeability of
Biological Drug Products (NBCDs)
László Endrényi*, László Tóthfalusi**
*University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
**Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
17:30 Panel Discussion IV. - Q & A
Nicholas M. Fleischer (Washington, DC, USA), Sven Stegemann (Bornem, Belgium)
Social Programs
19:30 Concert of the Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok
in the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Conductor Gábor Hollerung
1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc Square 8.

After the Concert:
Coctail Reception in the
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, 1st floor

Entry by badge and invitation card only.

The Sponsor of the Concert:


Day 3 - Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Session 9: Looking into the Future
Chairs: István Antal (Budapest, Hungary), Atilla Hincal (Ankara, Turkey)
9:00 Reducing Regulatory Burden for Well Established Drugs
Roger L. Williams
US Pharmacopeia, Rockville, MD, USA
9:30 New Challenges but Rewarding Opportunities in Translating Pharmaceutical Development Projects into Successful Therapeutics
Imre G. Bajusz
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Basel, Switzerland
10:00 Challenges of the Biosimilars – A Perspective
István Greiner
Gedeon Richter Plc., Budapest, Hungary
10:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition
Session 10: Looking into the Future: New Trends?
Chairs: Imre G. Bajusz (Basel, Switzerland), Irene Krämer (Mainz, Germany)
11:00 The Me-Too Paradigm - a Threat for Pharmaceutical Progress? Roadmap Towards a New Quality Target Product Profile (QTPP) for Enhanced Therapeutic Entities
Sven Stegemann
Capsugel, Bornem, Belgium
11:30 505(b)(2) New Drug Application Pathway vs. Abbreviated New Drug Application Pathway for Drug Approval in the US
Nicholas M. Fleischer
The Weinberg Group Inc., Washington, DC, USA

12:00 Modified Release Products: It's Time for International Harmonisation
Henning H. Blume
SocraTec R&D Ltd., Oberursel, Germany
12:30 Panel Discussion V. - Q & A
Leslie Z. Benet (San Francisco, CA, USA), Panos Macheras (Athens, Greece)
13:00 Lunch, Exhibition

Session 11: Looking into the Future: Biopharmaceutical Aspects
Mitsuru Hashida (Kyoto, Japan), Arto Urtti (Helsinki, Kuopio, Finland)

14:00 Dosage Form Attributes and Biopharmaceutical Performance
Clive G. Wilson
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
14:30 Applications of Cyclodextrins in Drug Formulations
Lajos Szente
CycloLab Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
15:00 Novel Approaches in Drug Delivery Systems
István Antal
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
15:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition
Session 12: Looking into the Future: New Delivery Systems
Chairs: Daniel Tang (Shanghai, China), Lajos Szente (Budapest, Hungary)
16:00 Pharmacovigilance Aspects of Biosimilar Products
Irene Krämer
University of Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany
16:30 Advances in Targeted and Gene Delivery
Mitsuru Hashida
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
17:00 Ocular Drug Delivery: Formulation and Bioequivalence Issues
Arto Urtti
Centre for Drug Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
School of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland

17:30 Panel Discussion VI. - Q & A
James E. Polli (Baltimore, MD, USA), Henning H. Blume (Oberursel, Germany)
18:00 Closing remarks

Vinod P. Shah and Imre Klebovich
Co-Chairs of the Workshop

The Workshop ends on Wednesday at 18:30.