The submission for the final paper is open. Please upload your paper until July 24, 2016.
Prospective authors are invited to submit online their 4-page long extended abstracts. The submission happens online.
The abstract should report original research results of theoretical or applied nature and should explain the significance of the contribution to the research field.
The manuscripts must be prepared according to the following guidelines:
Length of extended abstract: 4 pages
CONTENT:Related topic(s) of the symposium
Authors with full name, affiliations, emails, phone, skype-id (if used)Abstract (1-2 paragraphs – main message of paper)
I. Introduction (presentation of the problem)
II. Related results in the literature
III. Results and discussion (maybe some words about the planned
extensions for the final paper)
IV. Novelties in the paper
V. References (be sure to enumerate the most important ones, not just
your own papers; add DOI or an URL)FORMATTED FILES:
Each participant can submit two lectures, one is included in the registration fees, the second is available for a surcharge of 50 EUR.
The 6-page long article of the lectures presented at TC4 Symposium and IWADC will be eligible for consideration for publication in special issues of journals Measurement and Acta IMEKO.
The best student paper will be awarded. Special sessions will be organized as they appear at the symposium web site.
Extended abstracts are awaited in the follwoing topics:
TC-4 symposium