
An inspiring group of international chiropractic celebrities heads the bill at the ECU Convention 2018 in Budapest, held in conjunction with the Hungarian Chiropractic Association at the Budapest Congress Centre from 25 to 27 May 2018.

In a packed three-day programme, a huge range of presentations, workshops, and TEDTalk-style sessions, all focusing on the Chiropractic and The Seven Ages of Man theme, will include:

Age is no barrier to spinal disorders.  Author, lecturer and keynote speaker Donald Murphy will explore why the chiropractor must be ready to provide primary spine care through all stages of a patient’s life.  As a GP offers general care throughout life, so a chiropractor must be identified as providing primary spine care across the age spectrum.

Ageing need not be a pain. The burden of non-communicable diseases such as MSK will increase in Europe as the population ages.  2017 ACA Researcher of the Year Professor Jan Hartvigsen will argue that patient engagement in preventing and managing these conditions is the only viable route to follow and that chiropractors should adapt if they are to give a lead.

“You can’t handle the truth!” Sports chiropractor and international lecturer Ulrik Sandstrøm will be discussing why telling patients the undiluted truth from the latest research may not be the best way to do your Report of Findings. He will be discussing the Diagnosis Illusion as well as how your patient may not care how clever you are. You will hear how a Report of Findings based around patient-agreed goals and functional change may be better than pointing at facet joints on your spine model.

Performance for all ages; adaptation before pain. Dr. John Downes, currently the longest-serving member of the FICS Executive Committee and Director of International Programs at Life University will discuss neuromechanics, sensorimotor deficits and global assessment.

Whatever your age, you did not wake up today to be mediocre. Sports chiropractor, competitor and researcher Bianca Zeitsman will present her perspective on sporting injuries.

No drugs, more sex and rock ‘n roll. Carlo Ammendiola, award-winning chiropractor and researcher, will present the Boot Camp Programme for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.

This is what happens to chiropractic when you add artificial intelligence. Greg Kawchuk will present his scintillating vision of what challenges and opportunities artificial intelligence and robotics can bring to the chiropractic profession.

Dealing with the ravages of lifecan osteoporosis and osteoarthrosis be reversed? Ricardo Fujikawa will discuss data that shows that chiropractic through mechanical force applied to the body, will not completely recover bone loss, but helps to rebuild it, complementing other therapeutical approaches.

The annual pre-Convention Researchers’ Day will take place on 24 May in the same venue.

The social aspect of the convention also promises to be very special: the local evening will involve a ride in horse-drawn carriages and a visit to the Lipizzaner stud, and the gala dinner will take place aboard a cruise ship on the River Danube.

Register for the event today – early bird prices end on 31 March!